13245 Clinton St. Alden NY 14004 716-937-7837. Please note: We close from Jan. - April except by appointment. Reg. hours are Thur. - Sat. 10 - 5. Sundays in May, Nov. and Dec.and other days by chance. Some vacation times we may close so call ahead if traveling a distance to come.****
Thoughts from Theresa: This home based business started out as a hobby over 35 years ago – raising and selling chickens and eggs, along with pine trees and a few herbs and perennials. We now have three unique shops – the original Chicken Coop, a Garden Shed and a small Antique Barn and Christmas room. In addition we have several perennial and theme gardens scattered throughout the property to tour in nice weather.
Besides making and selling country artwork and herbal wreaths and arrangements, we are always adding unusual antiques and collectibles, as well as garden statuary, handmade planters, and original garden gifts. We also grow a variety of herbs, succulents and heirloom perennials.
We also have had requests for classes teaching several different art and garden workshops. Why not break away from your usual routine, bring a friend, learn a new skill, and meet others while relaxing in our country home and gardens. Classes are described on the other page.**